Taylor Creek Cabins -- Short History
The Taylor Creek Ranch was owned and operated as a cattle ranch until the early 1990's. It currently still agists cattle during the summer and irrigates fields for that purpose.
Originally the cabins and the house were built as accomodation and were owned individually by different owners. In the 1990's they became long-term rentals for locals.
Since 2004 they were made into short-term rentals for the benefit of visitors to the area.
During its earlier period as a ranch, much damage occurred through uncontrolled grazing along the creek banks. Much remedial action has been undertaken to restore the grasses and slow the flow during runoff. As a consequence, what essentially had been a gutter, has now with the passage of time been naturally restored to a creek. The habitat has now naturally been populated by fish.
During the fall and spring spawns, many fish make their way into the creek and it is now it is an important part of the restocking of the Frying Pan.

Taylor Creek rescued from over grazing and livestock.

Closer view of fish. This was just a gutter some years back.

Wild fish. No stocking. Just healthy water.